The Open Banking initiative is a step towards UCD, since the two types of OB Trusted Third Party (TTP) map well onto two roles in the UCD organisational model.

An Account Information Service Provider (AISP) is similar to a wallet provider in that it enables an individual to aggregate data from different service providers, in this case banks. But the data provided through OB is limited, currently, to descriptions of transactions.


And an Open Banking Payment Initiation Service Provider (PISP) is a little like an Orchestration Provider (OP) in that it enables an SP to transact with an agent – in this case a bank – of the individual’s choosing

UCDx has discussed the UCD proposal with the Open Banking Implementation Entity (OBIE), and made a submission to the Open Banking Joint Regulatory Oversight Committee’s Strategic Working Group (SWG). While OBIE staff were quite enthusiastic, SWG gave digital identity only three or four lines in its report. Generally, it would seem, banks are not yet convinced by the need for digital identity infrastructure in their sector.  Reform rarely happens from within.