Service providers will not wish to have to enter into separate contracts with every wallet provider, nor would it be practical for them to do so.
Thus an OP is a single-point-of-contact for service providers to the infrastructure. It’s function is similar to the merchant acquirer role in payment systems
Some sectors – such as education and health – may choose to build an ‘in-house’ OP; in other sectors, a competitive market of OPs will likely develop.
Personal data – such as a qualification – can be worthless unless the organization that issues it is entitled to do.
Thus – to participate in UCD – each service provider will be required to obtain confirmation of its identity, and role with respect to the individual, from a CA. Typically CAs already exist in each sector, but are not yet online. For example, the UK Department of Education maintains a list of all organizations in England able to award university degrees.
In many sectors, individuals need help in choosing between (or applying to) competing service providers. Examples include Uswitch for energy, and UCAS for higher education, each offering minor differences in functionality.
We call these entities Decision Support Services (DSS) and envisage that – in time – they will be integrated within the UCD infrastructure.
The proposed governance body for a proposal to create UCD type infrastructure, in the UK, starting in education.
UCDx can be compared to the role played by Visa (or Mastercard) in payment systems, save that
Software developers, who will compete to supply standard compliant code to participants in the infrastructure. Some code elements may well be Open Source, perhaps supplied through the Open Wallet Foundation (which is hosted by the Linux Foundation).